Today we found Truly Me #43 at the same consignment store that we found Strawberry and Kryptonite at. We had more store credit from consignments, and she was deeply discounted so we got her without spending anything. We spent some time fixing her. As well as her (pre)trimmed bangs, she had a few other issues. After a little work she is ready to join the gang. She has very vibrant pretty eyes and we gave her a nose piercing.

Here she is with her sister Hannah at the beach. She is riding Jess' scooter my mom found at Value Village, and they each have their own Beanie Boo.

Here's Hannah up close. I love her freckles.

Felicity got a little update to her appearance. It's not much, but we realized why she looked so pale, her lips and her cheeks were the same color as the rest of her skin, apparently her coloring had worn off. Mom mixed a little paint and carefully painted her lips. Then she took some pink on the cheek and blotted it in as blush. Now she looks like she's full of life. Lorilei and Felicity look so much alike to us. Their hair color is different, but the value is so similar.
We took pictures of the others, and we may post those pictures over the next few days.
Oh and my mom found this desk at the consignment shop and we used our consignors credit as well, it was labeled as an American Girl Doll desk, but it has no markings to indicate that it is AG. It's sturdy wood and rather heavy for doll furniture. Does anybody recognize this?
The drawers both work and are nicely sized to actually hold a fair amount of things. I haven't decided if this will be my teacher desk for the school, or one of the study desks that my girls use.
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